August 29, 2020
Welcome to our What’s New page! Here is where we will update everyone on what’s happening at our Safe Haven.
January 5, 2021
Our 5 new cow/heifer residents have arrived! Welcome to Whittier, Waimea, Doe, Martha and Mary!! They were rescued from a ranch in NorCal. Their elderly human mom loved them very much. Then age and health concerns invaded, leaving her unable to continue to care for them. Other family members deemed them expendable and the threat of auction loomed. A plea for help went out and Libby Lou’s answered! They will be safe here and lifelong residents.

January 19, 2021
The new herd are doing well! They are still in quarantine, they can see the other residents but have not met them yet. The calves are very shy but we are making progress with them slowly.
February 19, 2021
The new herd is out of quarantine and getting acquainted with the other residents!
February 26, 2021
With much sadness we share with you we lost our Mabel today after a very sudden illness. She was one of our first chicken residents and we will miss her sweet self very much. RIP sweetheart.

March 13, 2021
We have a baby! Please welcome Snowflake! She was quite the surprise but we couldn’t be happier that she is here! She and her momma Whittier are doing well and will spend their life together here at Libby Lou’s.

April 20, 2021
May 4, 2021
Auggie Norman and his BFF Loretta Lynn have arrived safely to Libby Lou’s!! We are so excited about sharing their beautiful friendship and their important story! More to come!!!

May 15, 2021
We lost our lovely Loretta to a sudden illness. We are heartbroken for everyone but especially for Auggie Norman. She was an amazing friend to him.

May 24, 2021
We have another baby! Please welcome Maui, he is Waimea’s son! He will grow up here at Libby Lou’s with his mom and herd.

July 16, 2021
3’s a charm! We have another baby! This is Regan, her mom is Doe and her grandma is Whittier. She was a total surprise as Doe came back negative on a pregnancy test! Doe is only 18 months old so just a baby herself. She has a limited supply of milk so Whittier and Waimea have also been nursing Regan, plus me supplementing a bottle when needed.

September 14, 2021
A beautiful vegan family came out to Libby Lou’s for a tour. As we were winding down, they presented us with a donation check that will help keep us in good shape financially thru the end of this year! A donation to a non-profit of his mom’s choosing in honor of her birthday. I’m rarely speechless but I was at that moment, all I could do was cry! Thank you Williams family for your kind hearts and huge generosity!

September 30, 2021
Libby Lou’s is mourning the loss of my best friend and founding Board member, Kat Warner. She was the first person I asked to be on our Board and she played a huge role in Auggie Norman coming here. I was over-thinking like normal and worrying if I would be the right mom for this “failure to thrive” calf. Kat told me “You got this” and gave me the shove I needed. I’m so sad her health issues prevented her from meeting him in person but she loved him nevertheless. Libby Lou’s was born with your help and we thank you so very much for everything. When the time is right, I’ll spread your ashes out in the pasture with the cows and donkeys to honor your wish. We Love You!

October 5, 2021
January 15, 2022
Our 3 babies born here at Libby Lou’s are doing great and growing up! Maui, Snowflake and Regan.

February 14, 2022
Happy Valentine’s Day from our 2 sweethearts, Snowflake and Auggie Norman!