Founded in 2019, Libby Lou’s Safe Haven is a microsanctuary and was established to provide permanent refuge and kindness for cows and friends. Our Safe Haven helps end suffering for those who have been abused or neglected, have special needs, uncertain futures or have been otherwise letdown by humans. We also offer humane education and invite conversations about compassion.
We believe animals have the capability to feel and are thus, sentient beings. They share some of the same desires as humans: food, water, shelter, companionship, freedom of movement and avoidance of pain. We are dedicated to providing these essentials plus respect and love.
I was told once by a rancher that “an empty cow is a wasted cow”. That way of thinking is what drives me to aid these wonderful animals. They are NOT commodities! They deserve to live full lives, not have their calves ripped away from their side or be slaughtered to become someone’s dinner. They should be able to be themselves without humans demanding anything from them. That’s what they get here at our Safe Haven. Our cows are empty here but they are not wasted!!
DaisyBelle changed my life. I had been a vegetarian for almost 3 decades but since meeting her, I have completely said no to dairy and embraced veganism. It feels good not to be contributing to that cruel industry.
Libby Lou’s Safe Haven is a very small 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and 100% of all donations go directly to meet the needs of our residents. Please help us continue our mission and donate today.